Monday, April 4, 2016

Your Favorite Logos

One of my favorite logos is the Marvel logo. It is a rather simple design, with a red rectangle surrounding white lettering. The font is sans serif, leaving it a rather simplistic design, without any finer details. The red background emphasizes the lettering in the middle, as well as the letters being in all capitals. These tactics make the logo iconic, and memorable.

I really like this design. I like how a different animal is included in each animal. I enjoy how the coloring switches from blue to white, highlighting the animals within one another. I like how the word is not the emphasis, and is simple, with the image being the main focus of the logo.

This logo is very mysterious, yet interesting. I like how the shield is in the center of the image, and appears to have a fingerprint laid across it.

I like how this logo effectively adds to the name of the production company. It communicates well, and actually makes sense, with the image and the name relating.

I have no idea what this company is, but it immediately grabbed my attention, with this shadowy figure of a samurai surrounded by an all black background. It makes me want to investigate, and find out more. I believe out of all the designs I had previously not known, this is the best. I really like how geometrical the design is, giving the figure sharp edges, and how the limbs and body parts appear to be separated.

This design is rather simplistic, but fun. The design of the astronaut is kind of playful and childish, more welcoming than if the design of it was realistic and complicated. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

What's Your Stance?: Reflection


Final Draft

I do not believe my stance is clear with the art that I created. I realize that the image that resulted through my efforts does not fully express my initial idea. I wanted the United States to be expressed as a menacing force, dominating the world, almost like a controlling regime with an iron fist over the world. The only way to know that I was expressing America in this image though is through the color of my text, which I made red, white, and blue. I do believe though, that the "FREEDOM" written in blood does express how the United States proclaims itself to spread freedom to other nations, but only leaves terror and death in its wake. I feel that my final draft successfully recreates my idea on my thumbnail sketches and paper sketch, and my final draft adds even more to the idea through the use of the clipping mask in Adobe Illustrator. From the first version to the last version of my poster, I decided to keep the idea of outlines of bodies, but changed it from white chalk to the bodies outlined in blood. I decided to also attempt to make my stance clearer by writing more text. As well, I decided to fill in the bodies with images of terror and destruction to communicate the idea about the detrimental force that is the United States and its military. I feel that of the rubric, the Design aspect is expressed strongest in my art. I feel that the colors I used, most apparently red for the color of blood, express my idea, and the images in the bodies through the use of clipping masks also express it. The weakest part of my project was the Concept aspect, as I believe that my art fails to fully realize it, and it is also left unclear to the audience. The most challenging aspect of the project, conceptually, was trying to come up with an image that would realize the idea that I had in my mind, since the topic I chose was so broad, and can be interpreted in an infinite number of ways. From a technical perspective, the most challenging part was the clipping mask, as I had no idea how to use it. I failed time and time again, and only through trial and error I was finally able to use it. As well, with the assistance of my teacher, Ms. Lee, I was able to find an easier and quicker way to use it than what I had been doing initially.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

What's My Stance?

College Tuition
In today's society, going to a college or university proves to be no easy feat. With the outrageous tuition charges in many public and private universities, to many young adults, it seems downright impossible. Why is it that each year, the United States spends over half of its budget on the military, resigning education, and thus the knowledge and power that comes with it, to a lower standard? With the United States in trillions of dollars of debt, perhaps the government should consider shifting its priorities towards something more important than military spending. Other modernized countries, such as Germany and Denmark, have abandoned tuition, making it free to attend university for all their students. Perhaps we should follow their examples, allowing universal education for all to succeed in this harsh world. Everyone should be allowed to have the opportunity to seek the romanticized and ever sought-after American Dream, and the key to this is through a proper education.

Another topic that I am interested in, feminism has risen in the past few years, becoming a very debated topic in our society. Though I do not take a proactive role in the feminist movement, I agree with its ideals wholeheartedly. Compared to what others might think, feminism is not the domination of men, and the empowerment of women. Rather, feminism strives to create equality between both sexes, in the hopes that women can be on equal standing with men. Often today, women are paid less than their male counterparts, about 78 cents per every dollar a male makes. This difference is simply unfair, especially in contemporary society. We claim to be advocates for social justice and equality, yet we still do not have equality among the most basic of needs. Women are also subject to harsh criticism, often attempting to have to live up to unrealistic beauty standards. They are often slut-shamed, and under the threat of rape, often being held responsible for the threats they receive or the act itself, which is disgusting and illogical. Women live difficult lives, and the time has come that they receive more of an equal standing in our society.